Tuesday, September 3, 2013

MagFed Only Events


Real Action Paintball is proud to support magfed paintball with the creation of the Magfed Only Games (MFOG), a coordinated effort online and in the field to promote the most exciting, realistic, and challenging form of paintball.

With our players' groundswell of support for magfed games comes the responsibility to grow the magfed side of our sport as much as we can...and we're proudly stepping up with the promotion of MFOG. You can find our MFOG Facebook group online here:

...where we want you to post a quick note about yourself, where you play magfed, and what magfed games are coming up. There are a lot of great fields, a lot of great players, and a lot of low-key magfed only games...so it's hard to know what's going on in the magfed community without a little help. We're inviting you to share details of your upcoming magfed games, even if it's just a walk-on magfed player's group. That'll help you find more players who are already in your area, and locate more games that are totally worth traveling to play.

It's a little something that we can do to help you...and it's just a start. As the community grows, we'll expand the MFOG to promote and even host events at fields around the world. How are we going to accomplish this?

With your help...and with a lot of hard work from our Operational Detachment units, beginning with Operational Detachment Southern California (ODSC).

You can find ODSC in action this month at SC Village in Southern California, hosting some awesome magfed games that are truly as real as it gets. They'll have an armory of magfed gear that you can borrow, so if you're thinking of upgrading to a 468, or jumping into magfed paintball for the first time, you can try the gear and experience the thrill of this ultra-realistic format without any obligation. Just pay the normal field fees, and you're in, with access to the magfed excitement ODSC is proud to organize.

As the MFOG expand and network more and more players, we'll commission the best teams and players to develop their own Operational Detachment units around the country.

Then, around the world.

These Operational Detachment units, empowered by social media and the networking opportunities of the Magfed Only Games, will represent magfed paintball in the biggest events around the country...and host some of the greatest magfed play you'll ever see.

Want to be part of the magfed future? Start here: https://www.facebook.com/MagFedOG

Real Action Paintball - As Real as it Gets!

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